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[04-05 16:39:08]   来源:http://www.99xxk.com  货运代理员考试试题   阅读:92737

概要: lading are not accepted by the bank due to its unclear meaning .( ) 24、A vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports can leave the port only when written permission, known as “port clearance”, is granted by the local authorities.( ) 25、The carrier shall be relieved of liability by reason of the defective condition of the vehicle used by him in order to perform the carriage under the CMR convention.( ) 26、One of the advantages in the multimodal transport is only to reduce the burden of documentation and formalities for the multimodal transport operators.( ) 27、Procurement is concerned w


21、UCP600 published by the International Chamber of Commerce will come into force on Oct. 1, 20xx.(    )

22、The time chartering means that the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship for a specific period against payment of hire.(    )

23、The words “in apparent good order and condition” indicated on the bills of lading are not accepted by the bank due to its unclear meaning .(    )

24、A vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports can leave the port only when written permission, known as “port clearance”, is granted by the local authorities.(    )

25、The carrier shall be relieved of liability by reason of the defective condition of the vehicle used by him in order to perform the carriage under the CMR convention.(    )

26、One of the advantages in the multimodal transport is only to reduce the burden of documentation and formalities for the multimodal transport operators.(    )

27、Procurement is concerned with purchasing and arranging outbound movement of materials, parts, and/or finished inventory from suppliers to customers.(    )

28、General Cargo Rates are applicable to any types of commodity, without the restriction of hazardous consignment size.(    )

29、FIATA is recognized as representing the freight forwarding industry by many other governmental organizations, governmental authorities, private international organizations in the field of transport.(    )
30、Consolidation can benefit all concerned such as exporters and shippers, carrier and forwarder.(    )

标签:货运代理员考试试题货运代理员培训大全,货运代理员考试试题资格考试 - 外贸类考试试题 - 货运代理员考试试题